Friday, 26 December 2014


Search Engine Optimization in 2015 is too complex for beginners so they must need to follow some Best SEO Tips and Tricksthat will boost their Website ranking better in modern Search Engines.
So here we are going to see some Basic and Intermediate SEO Tips and Tricks that helps to improve your 3 important website ranking and also in Search Engine Results Page.
Below SEO tips and techniques are provided as per Google Best Practices and this cover most of the onpage factors.

Tips and Techniques for Keyword Analysis

The Below list will help to improve the Keyword Analysis better.
  1. Use this Google Keyword Planner for Keyword research
  2. Find Less Competitive Keywords with high search Volume
  3. Choose Key phrases
  4. List out Relative Keywords by relevance
Google Keyword Planner - Google Keyword Planner is the free SEO tool that is provided by Google and it helps to find out the Keywords search volume and relative Keyword ideas for you. Useful tool compare with other keyword analysis tool because Google is the top Search Engine used by people so it's worth to use this tool. Also use this 8 Free Google SEO Tools that help to Optimize your website
Less Competitive Keyword with high Search Volume - Finding this one is crucial part of SEO because if you find out this Keyword then you can get high search visitors. More competitor's means ranking high is also too much tough. So find out less completive Keywords.
Choose Key Phrases - Rather than selecting a single Keyword it's better chance to ranking more than one keyword if you chosen Key Phrases. So select Key phrases that works better compare to keywords.
List out Relative Keywords by relevance - List the relevant Searches and Keywords and use the words or phrase in the article going to publish in the blog for the selected keyword. This is going to help get ranking in more phrases than you targeted.

Excellent SEO Tips to improve On-Page optimization

Use this free top 10 wordpress SEO Plugins for better on-page seo for Wordpress blogs.
  1. Interesting and Descriptive to read
  2. Quality of the Content
  3. Short and Sweet Title
  4. Relative Meta Description
  5. Use this Optimal Keyword Density Ratio in content
  6. SEO Friendly Url
  7. Keywords in First Paragraph
  8. Use of Headings
  9. Focusing Keywords
  10. Image Optimization

Interesting and Descriptive article - No one is going to like boring long articles so write your content interest to read and descriptive content that will clear all things about the article title.
Quality of the Content - Don't copy Paste whole content from the other website that never going to bring you traffic. Google has very good eye to find out the Duplicate contents. Avoid Keyword stuffing and other Black-hat SEO tricks.
Shot and Sweet Title - Title must be relative and the Key phrase Keywords must be present in the Title. And in length is better to keep it between 40 to 65 Characters. To make website title tag to more search engine friendly read this Tips to optimize the title tag .
Relative Meta Description - Writ a short and sweet 156 Characters that will explain your whole story of the article will help to know better in Search Engines Results Page.
Optimal Keyword Density Ratio - Maintain your Keyword Density in the Safe manner to not getting Google Algorithm Penalties.
SEO Friendly URL - Url of the content must be meaning full to the content. Then search Engine highlight the Url Keywords also it's a boosting signal for the SEO.
Keyword in First Paragraph - Use the Keywords in First Paragraph so search Engines know this is the content really explains about the Title.
Use of Headings - Use prober headings tags h1, h2, etc... It will make readability easier and Nice Chapter wise content.
Focusing Keywords - Highlighting the Keyword with strong or em tag will increase the visibility of the point you are really want to reader by people also it's add some weight in SEO.
Image Optimization - One Image can explain everything better than long story content so add an image and Optimize image using proper Alt Tags.

Tips to improve Off-Page SEO

  1. Use of Social Media
  2. Quality Link Building
Use of Social Media - Use of Social Media not going to build follow back links but it's a powerful source to deliver traffic to the website. Traffic signal is also important factor in SEO so use the social media to get traffic.
Quality Link Building - Don't build your Link too much faster. Quantity of Back links that's not matter Quality will Matter. So write your articles good and interesting then the Back link will flow automatically to your content.

Useful SEO Tricks for 2015

  1. Find LSI Keywords
  2. Use LSI Keywords more
  3. SEO Check Up
Find LSI Keywords - Find the Latent Semantic Indexing Keywords related to your keywords using different methods available in the internet.
Use LSI Keywords more - Rather than Keyword stuffing the new idea use mixes it up LSI Keywords with Keywords as Keyword Stuffing. Use it in all important On-Page SEO Factors.
SEO Check Up - Take SEO Check Up and using different tools available in the Internet and improve the SEO Score by fixing by the tips then you can get a better rank in SERP.
Add a Bookmark of this Page above Tricks will be updated in regular manner to maintain the Quality of the Article.

Necessaries of SEO Tips and Tricks in 2015

Competitive world everything will have some Guidelines and rules that must we need to follow. So we need to follow this techniques to survive our ranking in search Engines.
Always one thing we need to remember in SEO that is if we write Unique and Good Articles that is interest to read for a user not for search engines this is the one rule always survives you in SERP.
Hope this SEO Tips and Tricks will helps to boost your rank in Google in 2015.

Monday, 15 December 2014

Blogger SEO Tips and Tricks 2015 | New SEO Techniques

Easy SEO Tips & Tricks 2015 for Beginners – New SEO Techniques

Blogger SEO Tips: Blogging has been one of the upcoming professions in the career world.Many people have turned towards this profession as it is demanding and also money making. Many people do blogging either as part time or full time and earn good amount. But it is not necessary that all flourish in this blog world. Professional blogging requires good language and viewpoints that need to be provided to the reader. It should interest them and make them read new topics written by the same writer.

A) Never blog for Google Traffic – Always Write for Your Visitors (Blogger SEO Tips)

There are various search engine optimization techniques (new seo techniques) and it needs to be properly planned and strategized. The following seo tips and tricks 2015 could help in getting success in no time:
Keep in mind to write for visitors and not for Google or SEO – Earlier people used to write for various search engines without focusing on increasing traffic. But Google has decided to pull up its socks by only using posts that are useful for a visitor. So do not blog for search engines like bing, yahoo or google etc. This is the first seo tips 2015 you should keep in mind.

For following the above you need to follow some blogger seo tips and tricks 2015 which are explained below:

  • You need to know the pulse of the audience and write by targeting them.
  • In order to know the content that will work with the audience, do regularly check your websiteWeb Analytics.
  • Work with bloggers who are experienced and well known by asking, begging, asking for payment, interview people who are involved in subject matter, and concerned bloggers, so that audience can get to know about the platform where your blogs are available.
  • Merge with blogs on the basis of Frenemy i.e. make their content available on your site and ask them to make yours available.
  • Do not allow Google to account for more than 50% of traffic.
  • On a daily basis, subscribe and read through other blogs in order to know better.
  • Get updated with Google alerts in order to know the keywords that is related to your industry.
  • Do visit information on Google trends to know about the topics that are trending.
  • SEO tips and tricks 2015 can be done at ease

  • B) Keyword Research for Blog’s Title, Description & Content – SEO Tips & Tricks 2015:
  • Use tool known as a Google Keyword Planner that is used for doing research on the keyword.
  • To pick on latest trends, happenings and news, use Google trends.
  • You can use Uber Suggest Tool which is used to discover new blog title. It does work with Google Search Suggest.
  • The above information could give a brief information on some search engine optimization techniques using Google.

    C) Technical SEO Tips & Tricks 2015 which Plays an Important Role in Search Engine Optimization:

  • Use of technical SEO plays an important role in increasing traffic to a site. The following blogger seo tips and tricks 2015 could help with promotion:
    • Make a write up on Google+ and add Google+ Authorship to the post where it could be contributed.
    • Set up the Google rel=publisher tag for your entire blog (Very Important)
    • Set up blog on Google Webmasters and Bing Webmasters
    • Create Google+ Community for your audience and readers
    • Do join Google+ Communities related to your website niche and share your blog posts link there.
    • Create Google+ Business Page for your blog as you do on Facebook and Twitter.
    Using Blogger SEO Tips and Tricks 2015 could help to get in depth knowledge of search engine optimization techniques (new seo techniques) as the keywords used are unique and it can help in bringing the website to the top ranks. Website content needs to be unique and have catchy words.
    There are many methods online that give information on new and innovative blogger seo tips and tricks 2015 and every website does give various solutions. The information on these topics are very much useful in promoting a website. Promotion of business can only help in the growth and development of a company too.
  • If you are a new in blogging and don’t know this blogger seo tips and tricks 2015 earlier than do follow it, you will definitely get success in blogging.

Best Free Web Directories List For SEO Link Building

Free directory submission list: With the introduction of the Internet and the technology, it has become quite critical to give a great amount of importance to your website as well as business. You have to ensure that there is a good amount of exposure for your business from the outside world and even consumers, which will ultimately lead to informing people about your products and can turn them into real time customers.

How Does Free Web Directory Come Into The Picture:

The Internet has become a medium which acts as an interface between the owner of the business and the consumers, giving them unlimited and direct access with each other. The owner can advertise his or her products and the consumer have got variety of selections from which he or she can select. The relationship becomes strong by this way and it can be taken to the next level (free directory submission site list)

Free directory submission site list 2015: Nowadays, all the companies want their websites to be well advertised so that its popularity can increase online or in the E-Market. Some may opt for SEO strategies like referring free web directory submission listblog posting, etc. among them web directory are quite interesting and simple.
In web directory submission technique, an individual would submit his or her website link to various directory present in a given web directory list. However, sometimes they won’t get the required exposure. So, it is important that while making the web directory submission or referring the free web directory submission list, you need to check out whether the websites given in the list are beneficial or not. Most of the professionals are quite aware that not all web directory websites can give good backlinks or boost.

Top Free Directory Submission List 2015

It is important to note that the free web directory have a significant role in SEO strategies.The only aspect that most individuals have to keep in mind is that they have to choose the right web directory that provide full manual directory submission. Google loves backlinks which come in a natural way and through proper SEO strategies.

Importance of High PR Web Directory list:

Free directory submission list: Within a short period of time, the web directory can increase the page ranking of the given website. Whether it is Yahoo, Bing or Google, web directory can help in increase the ranking of the website, thereby giving a great amount of advantage for the website, where consumers will try out the website that appears topmost in the list and would assist in their productivity and convert them into potential clients.
There are certain free web directory websites that would submit articles and links freely, but some would take time, as it would require the approval of the website administrator. Various websites have different sets of rules and regulations and they should be followed properly in order to ensure that your articles and links are published.

If you like this post “free web directory submission lists” you can share it with your friends. To do so, click on your favorite social media sites and share it.
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  • new updated free directory submission list 2015
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Sunday, 26 October 2014

How To Register Feedburner

1. Open feedburner website.
2. Login with google account.
3. Type your blog or feed address here: fill it with your blog url.
4. Identify feed source: click atom.
5. Feed title and feed address: fill it up to you.
6. Your feed is live. Save feed URL in notepad.

Redirect Blogspot Feed To Feedburner.

1. Click Settings.
2. Click Other.
3. Click Post feed redirect URL. Input with your feed URL.
4. Click save settings

Sunday, 10 August 2014

How To Add Facebook Fanpage Like Box

1. Go to

2. Change Facebook Page URL with your fanpage URL

3. Fill Width and Height with pixel. Or empty to get default.

4. Click Get Code

5. Click XFBML

6. Copy Javascript SDK and XML namespace to your blogger template HTML. Javascript SDK after <body> tag. XML namespace before <head>.  The code is like this <html b:version='2' class='v2' expr:dir='data:blog.languageDirection' xmlns='' xmlns:b='' xmlns:data='' xmlns:expr='' xmlns:fb=''>

7. Place the code for your plugin on layout, add a gadget.

Saturday, 9 August 2014

List of Facebook Shortcut Keys and Facebook Emoticons

Facebook is one of the most browsed website and with 850 Million active users, you can expect how popular this social Networking site is. There are many Facebook shortcut Keys which will help you to browse Fb quickly. Along with Facebook Keybaord shortcuts, I’m also sharing a useful list of Facebook emoticons which you can use to spice your Facebook status updates and chat.

Facebook Shortcut Keys:

Go to search box - alt + /
Send a new message - alt + m
Home page - alt + 1
Profile page - alt + 2
Accept or deny friend request - alt + 3
Go to messages page - alt + 4
See notifications - alt + 5
Go to account settings - alt + 6
Go to privacy settings - alt + 7
Go to the Facebook fan page - alt + 8
See Terms and Conditions of Facebook - alt + 9

Facebook Emoticons


How To Cancel All Sent Friend Requests On Facebook?

Facebook is considered as a leading social networking site with no doubt. All over the world, many people loves or addicted to Facebook. Meanwhile, they are willing to send friend requests to the known or unknown person. It's just normal. But, in case if someone sent many friend requests in a day, then Facebook treats the users as a fake id and so it tries to stop the user from sending further more friend requests.
Therefore, Facebook blocks that user for 2-30 days or even permanently ban the id from sending friend requests if the user again and again made the same mistake. Okay, if your question is how to cancel all friend requests which I have sent on Facebook?, then you have landed on the right place to get the solution. 

4 Ways To Cancel Friend Requests On Facebook

There are actually 4 ways to cancel sent friend requests on Facebook which I'm going to share you in this post. So first of all please logged in to your Facebook account before we can proceed.

Way 1

It's a simple way to cancel sent friend requests if you know the person's Facebook user name. If you are a newbie Facebook user, then the steps given below might be useful for you.
  • On the Facebook search box, type the person's user name and search for it.
  • If you have found the profile on which you want to cancel friend request, then browse through the person's profile/Timeline page.
  • Hover the mouse over the friend request sent button at the top of the page.
  • Click on Cancel Request and confirm it.

Way 2

  • Click on privacy short cuts in the upper right corner of the page and select "Who can see my stuff?" .
  • Click on Use Activity Log.
  • Also you can directly enter into the 'all activity' or 'activity log' page. To do that, simply click the Activity Log  button which is present at the top of your profile/Timeline page.
  • In the left column panel, click More to expand all your options.
  • Click friends 
There you could see when you have became friends with someone or when you have sent a friend request is listed in chronological order (arranged according to temporal order).
  • Again if you have found the person's name listed there, click on it and then it's easy to cancel the sent friend request.

Way 3

  • Click on gear button  in the upper right corner of the page and then click Account Settings.
  • In the General Account Settings page, click the link marked "Download a copy of your Facebook data".
  • Get a copy of what you have shared on Facebook. 
  • If the file which you are going to download is big, then it will show as Start My Archive. Click on that button.
  • Facebook will begin compiling your archive and you will be informed that you'll be sent an email when it's ready to download. Press OK to this notification.
  • Usually it takes 1-2 hours.
  • When your email arrives at your mail inbox, click the link to access the download.
  • Then click on Download Archive button.
  • You will be asked to enter your Facebook password. Then enter your password and submit it.
  • When the download action begins, you will need to wait for a while to get the file.

Kindly please note that, longer the activity of yours on Facebook, larger the file size. 

  • The archive file is in zip format. So, you need to extract it to open the file.
  • To do so, download the Zip extractor from here and know how to extract a zip file.
  • Install it and then extract the archive file which you have just downloaded it from Facebook.
  • After the extraction process completed, you will get 3 folders and 1 .htm file.
  • Open the html folder.
  • Double click on friends (it's a .htm file)
  • Then your default web browser will open the friends.htm page. 
  • There it will display a lists as Friends, Sent Friend Requests, Removed Friends and subscribers.   
  • Browse through Sent Friend Requests.
  • Then follow the steps which I have mentioned in Way 1 in order to cancel the sent friend requests.

Way 4


So I have mentioned some ways to cancel the sent friend requests. If you have found some other methods to do it, then you could inform it by commenting below.

Monday, 4 August 2014

Google Pigeon Algorithm

On the evening of July 24, Google released a major local search algorithm update affecting both Google Maps search results and Google Web search results. Search Engine Land broke the story, and was provided additional information from Google around the recent local algorithm update. This change in Google’s local algorithm is now being referred to as the “Pigeon” update. While there is still some uncertainty around which verticals are affected (and how), information is continuing to unravel as the days go on.

What Did Pigeon Do and How Does It Affect Your Local Business?

As mentioned above, the Pigeon algorithm update primarily targets local search results. If you own a local business, you might have noticed that your rank within search results experienced a considerable drop/rise in the past few days. Google confirmed it rolled out the new algorithm on the 24th of July this year and people started noticing the change immediately, especially webmasters and business owners.
There are no official figures yet for how many companies have been affected by the algorithm change, but we know what affects them. Improving local search results has been on Google’s to-do list for a while now, so it stands to reason they would eventually start tackling this specific algorithm change.
The most noticeable change local business owners have noticed is the fact that directories like Yelp, Zagat, Groupon, OpenTable, Urbanspoon and TripAdvisor have popped at the forefront of results. Websites belonging specifically to a local business have dropped. The explanation is quite clear – Pigeon ranks websites with more authority, backlinks, better implemented SEO strategies and domain authority higher than local business websites.
We also need to consider that directories such as Yelp have been substantially affected by Google’s last algorithm update and Pigeon may come as a solution to that problem. Before the current algorithm update, Yelp and other similar directories held lower ranks in SERPs, often being outranked by local business websites that didn’t have that much authority in any key element of Google’s search results algorithm.

What We Know About the Local Algorithm Update So Far:
  • Google told Search Engine Land that the new local search algorithm ties deeper into their web search capabilities, including the hundreds of ranking signals they use in web search along with such search features as Knowledge Graph, spelling correction, synonyms and more.
  • Google has not commented on the percent of search queries impacted by this algorithm update, nor if certain web spam algorithms were deployed in this update.
  • There appears to be less duplication of search results in both local and organic listings, where previously the order of results mirrored each other.
  • In some situations, there’s been a significant decrease in the radius of a local search based on your current location (i.e. Google is now providing local listings within a closer distance from your current location).
  • The algorithm update currently applies to U.S. results only, with no word of if/when it will roll out to other countries.
  • Yelp and other local directory-style sites seem to be benefitting with higher visibility after the Pigeon update, in some verticals. This does seem logical since Google said this update ties local results more closely to standard web ranking signals. This should benefit large directory sites like Yelp and TripAdvisor — sites that have stronger SEO signals than small, individual restaurants and hotels are likely to have.
  • There have been reports that the majority of real estate, realtors, realty, and real estate agencies have lost the local listings in their entirety.
  • SEO managers, web designers, advertising agencies and marketing firms have been added back in to local results for the first time since 2009.
How to Spot Check Your Listings:
With a great tip from Blumenthals, we’ve found that can be utilized to check search results before this recent local algorithm update, as seems to still be using the old algorithm. Be sure to incorporate the location identifier into the search queries during investigation on both and (e.g. Auto Insurance Chicago), so it gives an apples-to-apples comparison of before and after.

How Can You Tackle the Problem and Improve Your Ranking?

While it’s not clear yet what exactly has been changed with the new update, what we do know is that past algorithm updates are still in place today and we know how to influence those. So if your local business website has taken a turn for the worst as far as rakings in SERPs go, then you might want to start working on increasing your online presence and authority.
To do this, you’ll need to focus on improving your SEO tactics and practices. Throw in fresh, unique and constantly updated content. Build a wider (white-hat) link base for your website and take advantage of local directory listings, such as offered by Yelp and other similar review websites. If they continue to hold higher positions in search results, it wouldn’t hurt having your own business listed there.

Actionable Insights:
With this major change in Google’s local search algorithm, it’s very likely to experience ranking changes within the Google listings for the correlated industry, and it’s also a possibility that the local listings have been removed entirely. It’s important to monitor any fluctuations in organic traffic and monitor any fluctuation in rankings using tools like the Rio Local first page position report.
Although all specifics of this algorithm are not yet clear, if rankings decrease, it’s recommended to ensure that your local listings are following local best practices:
  1. The business is submitted to Google Local, Yahoo and Bing; plus all information (name, address, phone number) is accurate and up-to-date.
  2. Develop individual local landing pages per location and optimize each page around the appropriate keywords.
  3. Utilize structured markup on the developed local landing pages.
  4. Frequently distribute and manage listings with accurate location information to third-party data aggregators, and send updated information when any details change.
  5. Identify any duplicate or inconsistent listings across the web and request the adjustment or removal of them.
Because this update is still in its infancy, it’s difficult to tell what new ranking factors have been introduced and how traditional local ranking factors have been adjusted. However, we are closely monitoring this change and will continue to provide detail as more information is discovered.

Bottom Line

However, until we get some official details about the Pigeon algorithm update, we won’t know exactly what’s it doing and why it’s doing it. We can only assess the results and draw up conclusions based on them. Big business is not targeted by this update – only local business websites seem to be affected at the moment.
What’s more, even if your website has taken a dive in SERPs, you can still relax as it only affects US English search results and there has been no confirmation of Pigeon rolling out worldwide anytime soon. But in order to be prepared, it would be a good idea to start working at improving your website’s local presence. Experts are expected that Pigeon will start ranking websites based on their authority, rather than their local listings.
So, in conclusion, while you don’t have to worry that much about this particular update yet, you may want to consolidate your online presence either way. It can’t hurt and, if indeed Google is going to stick with Pigeon and not use it as a test run, then you’ll be on the safe side.

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Efficient Keyword Research in 2014

The SEO industry keeps changing with each new Google's update. And, no doubt, these changes affect the very cornerstone of your SEO campaign — keywords. Are you keeping up?
Wave goodbye to the old-school ways, and learn the basic concepts of modern keyword research that you can't afford missing!
How to find the best traffic-rich keywords? How to discover the phrases your competition doesn't know about? And how can you do keyword research quicker with maximum results?

Here's what you'll learn in each part of the guide:
Part 1: The whole new way to brainstorm keyword ideas — See how the new niche-based approach to keyword ideas doubles and triples the list of profitable keywords in your SEO arsenal.
Part 2: New ample sources of keywords to go beyond Google Keyword Planner — Learn why Google Keyword Planner is not enough to get a powerful list of keywords and discover new tools you can use.
Part 3: New efficient metrics to hit only most money-making keywords — See why search volume can be a misleading metric and discover new factors to determine the quality of a keyword.
Part 4: The not-yet-used powers of competition analysis in keyword research — Boost your keyword strategy with a strategic approach to competition research
Before you dive into the guide, here are the tools you might want to install so to practice the how-to recommendations straight ahead:

best practicies for local rankings improvement

Though the changes in SERPs now seem to be quite considerable, the basic principles of local SEO are expected to remain the same. So here are some general recommendations for your local business to get better Google exposure.

1. Individual Google+ Local page for your business
Creating a Google+ Local page for your local business is the first step to being included in Google's local index. Your second step is to verify your ownership of the listing. This typically involves receiving a postcard/letter from Google containing a pin number which you must enter in order to complete verification.

2. Proper category for your Google+ Local page
If you wish to appear in the local results for a search like "dentists in denver", your business must be categorized as a dentist. If it is categorized as a certified public accountant, you have no hope of appearing for your important search terms.

3. Local area code on Google+ Local page
Using local area code phone number as a primary phone number on Google+ Local page is considered a best practice. The area code of the phone number should match the area code/codes traditionally associated with your city of location.

4. NAP on your website matching NAP on your Google+ Local page
Google will be looking at the website you've linked to from your Google Places/Google+ Local page and cross reference the name, address and phone number of your business. If all elements match, you're good to go.

5. NAP consistency in all your business listings
Make sure your business name, address and phone number are also consistent in all local directories where your business is listed. Different addresses listed for your business on Yelp and TripAdvisor, for instance, may put your rankings to nowhere.

6. Large number of positive customer reviews on Google+ Local page and on third-party sources
The number of positive reviews has a proven influence on local search rankings. So make sure to encourage happy customers to leave positive reviews of your biz.

7. City or state included into your website's title tags.
Another important factor for your "local" landing page is to have the city or state you're targeting included into its Title tag.

8. Product/service keyword in business title
It is also believed that having the name of a core product or service in your business name may give you some advantage over competitors who lack this.

GOOGLE LAUNCHES NEW PIGEON UPDATE — how does it affect your website?

A few days ago Google pushed out a new and major algo update for local search (which industry's leading SEO resource "Search Engine Land" called "Pigeon" update). There aren't many details disclosed about the so-called Pigeon yet, but webmasters report considerable changes in their local rankings over the past few days.

 Google had rolled out yet another update which is named as pigeon by marketing land and everyone follow suit. So how does that impact your site? It is believed that the update is focused on local site listings, map listings with Yelp taken into account. While checking out a couple of 100 local clients, the results are very encouraging.

To make sure you've got all the freshest information at your fingertips, we've put up this short compilation to explain what "Pigeon" is, how it affects your rankings and how to adapt your SEO strategy for the changes.

Now, to give you a better idea of the update, we've tried to outline all the changes going on (both those claimed by Google and noticed by webmasters) and give some advice for website owners who've been affected.

1. Local listing packs disappear for a huge number of keywords
2. Local rankings are expected to depend more on website authority
3. Ranking boost is seen for Yelp and other local directories.
4. Local carousel remains a way to gain extra exposure.

Saturday, 22 March 2014

SEO Trends Every Entrepreneur Needs to Know for 2014

Google Penalty Reversal

Understanding Google Penalty
Google updates its algorithm on a regular basis to maintain the quality of its searches and to keep ahead of people who wants to game the system. Over the last years, Google has become very aggressive in terms of its quality of results. The rolling out of Google Panda and Penguin has drastically affected the traffic of a major percentage of websites that are dependent on organic traffic. The severity of these penalties depends on which penalty has hit you.
The most telltale sign that you’re hit by a Google penalty is, if your organic traffic takes a sudden beating, almost as if it fell off a cliff or if you’ve received a Google Webmaster tools warning against a manual action. However, an even bigger problem is that Google won’t inform you majority of the time. Even if you are hit by a minor flag, you have no way of knowing what has hit you. Moreover, some of the activities, which were once considered best practices or major movers of SERP ranks, are now the cause of penalty. This has left many site owners confused – What to do? How to remove the penalty? How to get back in the rankings?
We can help you over-come your worst nightmare. Following are the broad steps of our Google Penalty Reversal Service:
  • Comprehensive Google Penalty Audit
  1. Full on-page analysis for any sign of over-optimization
  2. Complete Content analysis for both internal or external duplicate issues
  3. Technical Audit of site for hidden content or doorway issues
  4. Complete Inbound link analysis for any link building malpractices
  • Non-organic Link Removal Service
    1. Non-organic links is the primary cause of Google Penguin penalty. We can help you reach-out to these sites and request for removal. We can help you file Disavow request and help you submit reconsideration or reinculsion request with proper detailed sheet of due diligence done, which helps in faster removal process.
  • Branded & Non-branded Link Dilution Service
    1. The imbalance between branded and non-branded links can also lead to exact match keyword based penalization. We can help you dilute the link graph through ethical link building services.
  • Link Reclamation Services
    1. Many quality links are lost over time due to many changes/updates that occurs in your sites, which results in a poorly linked profile. We can help you reclaim these quality links and get back to your best days.
  • Professional Copywriting Service
    1. We have a team of excellent copywriters which can pitch in for your content needs from writing ethical title/meta tags to blog managements, product descriptions, etc.
  • High Quality Link Building Service
    1. Panda and Penguin has made quality link building very painful but we are proud to mention that this is one of our greatest strength. We can help you create a very powerful and ethical portfolio of quality links, which will boost your website ranking in no time.

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Blog Directories To Submit Your Blog

Gaining exposure for your blog is critical to building a following and revenue. After creating compelling copy, titles, descriptions and link strategies, it’s time to list your blog in one or more directories.
There are many paths to building links, such as link baiting or blogroll-link swapping, but few are as easy to implement and cost effective as submitting to blog directories. And good link juice makes for a growing blog.

Here are 24 directories you need to know about:
1. EatonWeb Blog Directory is a powerful list. The fee, currently $34.99, pays for a review of your blog.

2. Bloggeries is one of the most respected blog directories. The layout is clear and concise, and readers are able to find what they are looking for in a snap.

3.  Best of the Web Blog Search remains a powerful tool for sharing your blog, especially since this director’s very selective, listing only mature and valuable blogs. A link from here is majestic.

4. is a free, manually-edited directory that reads the RSS feed of your blog. You can also use the site’s social features, article directory, and other great tools to build your blog.

5. is an interesting mix of a directory and a Google News type site that is fed by the blogs listed with Blogged. And it’s free to list your blog.

6. While the design and infrastructure have changed somewhat over the years, Blog Search Engine remains one of the most selective blog directories on the web. Membership has its privileges.

7. Blog Catalog features a vast number of categories, from “academic” to “writing”, while offering the ability to search by country, language or user. It has a no-frills design, but offers convenient access through a simple blog registration.

8. Globe of Blogs has too many features to list. Only non-commercial blogs are accepted. The site may be busy, but I like being able to narrow my search by title, author or subject.

9. The ultimate directory of British blogs isn’t focused on location, but on the culture. It is asked that bloggers be genuinely “Britished.”

10. Blog Universe has a layout that’s easy to navigate and, although the content is limited, it’s an all-around good directory worthy of submission.

11. Bigger Blogs is intertwined with a business directory and an article directory, giving you access to several powerful tools in one location.

12. Bloggernity is a crisp, clean and easily navigated site. It’s low ad-to-content ratio has helped solidify its reputation as a quality directory.

13. Bloggapedia has an interesting and eye-catching homepage. Readers are easily connected to top blogs and new posts. Innovative categories, a colorful design and its blogger tool kit make this directory a hit.

14. Spillbean is a well-designed directory with categories such as “health,” “society,” “Internet,” and “personal.”

15. Blogging Fusion boasts over 60 categories, including family-focused blogs. Blogging Fusion has an good number of listings, and it also has visitor stats.

16. Blogflux is organized and clear with a strong social element.

17. The blogs at the top of Bloglisting are fun, colorful and catch the attention of the reader. Bloglisting displays the page-ranking blogs, which is a helpful tool when determining with whom you want to exchange links.

18. Blogio stores plenty of quality blogs, and it sports solid on-site search.

19. Blog Digger is a strong search tool, especially for local blog listings.

20. Blog Pulse features a powerful community element, on-site analytics, and a clean design. The “submit” page is a bit tricky to find, so here’s the quick link.

21. Technorati’s blog directory is well-respected and spans more than 30 categories.

22. Blogarama has a strong base of blogs and a solid text-ad system for its front page.

23. Blog Hints features over 100 categories. The site is very picky about which blogs are included, and those that are listed are presented via a visual interface that shows the site’s design and page rank. This makes Blog Hints the perfect site for finding link-swapping partners.

The above listings are a glimpse inside the large and vast world of blog directories and the valuable inbound links that your can build for your blog and your business